Sandspit's First B&B - Re-imagined and Re-Designed with Local Touches.
The Seaport has a long history as the first B&B to open in Sandspit, and was a hub for visitors setting out on tours into Gwaii Haanas even before the area became a park. Former owner Bonnie was a well-known local character who you will certainly remember if you happened to stay at the Seaport in years past.
The current building was erected in 2011, after the Seaport was bought by the owners of Moresby Explorers, a local tour company. We removed the two mobile homes that made up the original Seaport, and the new building went up over the course of about 6 months, with invaluable help from professional carpenters, volunteers, family and friends. The building was designed specifically as a guesthouse, with the intention of creating a comfortable, warm and friendly setting for visitors to Sandspit.
In designing the Seaport, we made an effort to incorporate some local touches, such as the pine ceilings and cedar decking (provided by small local mills). The beautiful cedar cord-wood wall around the front yard was created by local artist, Netonia Yalte. The prints that decorate the walls of the Seaport are photographs taken in Gwaii Haanas by the owners.